First, please note: Vision Statements and Mission Statements are not the same thing.
Vision Statements are about the future and written with the end result in mind.
- A vision is what guides where the business is going and how it will get there.
- A Vision Statement answers the question “Where do I see my business going?”
- The Vision Statement will then give the inspiration for the day-to-day operations of the organization and motivate your mindful decisions, which is the fundamental purpose of your business.
Here is an example of Cycle Dog’s Vision Statements: Cycle Dog’s vision is to create the world’s best dog products with a focus on the environment and to raise awareness of the millions of bike tubes thrown into landfills every year.
Now it’s your turn to write Your Vision Statement: Clearly communicate what you are working to achieve.
- What are the major issues your social enterprise is looking to change?
- Why should the issue be addressed?
- What defines your success? What does your dream end-state look like?
Now let’s go on to your Mission Statement.
Mission Statements are focused in the present and state the fundamental purpose of your organization.
- • Mission Statements answer the questions:
- Why does my business exist?
- How will we achieve this vision?
Here is an example of Honest Tea’s Mission Statements: Honest Tea seeks to create and promote great-tasting, healthier, organic beverages. We strive to grow our business with the same honesty and integrity we use to craft our products, with sustainability and great taste for all.
Now it’s your turn to write your Mission Statement: Clearly state what you are striving to achieve.
- Why does your organization exist?
- What does your organization do or sell?
- Who are you offering this product to?
- What is the geographic region you are serving?
Please don’t skip this step. Writing your Vision and Mission Statements are critical in building a solid foundation for your social enterprise. They are the compass that helps guide the direction and ensures you have a better chance for true success.
In the next blog post we’ll dive into how to bring your business idea to life.
In the meantime, please share more details about what you want to create and sell, plus, ask any questions you may have.
Enjoy your day and the world around you, C S Wurzberger, The Green Up Girl®