We are coming into our third harvest season in a couple of months. Hard to believe. I am sitting outside in one of my spots, watching the leaves fall around me. It’s one of those days where I can close my eyes and hear them falling onto the forest floor. It is unseasonably warm today. As it has been for much of this fall. I am thankful for this fair weather. It has given me a chance to try desperately to catch up on all the things I’ve fallen behind on.
Nobody else falls behind, do they? No one else is just trying to survive?
I’ve been putting out fires left and right and trying to start fires that aren’t lit. Holding on so tightly to some things, while letting other important responsibilities slip away.
There are days where I have to claw my way through them. Desperately trying to breathe.
All while doing the homestead dance.
I have to constantly remind myself that I’m not trying to make more money so I can live a different lifestyle. I’m alive today. I’m breathing the clear air today.
This process of life is a pure joy to live, to dance out.
It’s so easy to get burdened by the bills that always find my mailbox. I then start to get desperate in trying to find new ways to sell our product. That’s never a good thing.
As we can all agree, the best fruit is that which is grown naturally, organically. Plants that establish good roots continue to thrive for their life.
It’s so easy for me to get ahead of where we actually are, and try to produce a product that we just aren’t ready to sustain. The best orders are the ones we can fill. Maybe not the biggest, but the ones we are ready for.
Each new winter brings a space in time to figure out where to grow. I have to remind myself again and again that it’s a slow pouring of resources into a direction that allows for a tree to grow and thrive.
Most days I feel completely lost as to what direction to go. Thriving doesn’t just happen, but I’m finding that if I can stop surviving, I’m heading in the right direction.
1 Comment
good post